Case Studies - Prime Publishing House

Prime Publishing House Takes Pleasure in Improving Business for Top-Notch Brands

In addition to helping well-known brands succeed on , our SEO professionals have worked with a number of lesser-known brands as well. Read their success stories to see how we helped some of our clients achieve their long-term goals.

How Did We Improve Ranking for Native Green Tremendously with Sponsored Advertisement and Listing Optimization?

After being 50 percent in debt already, this cannabis therapeutic goods company consulted Prime Publishing House. We created a Pay Per Click campaign and Listing Optimization campaign for Native Green using a strategic plan and our relentless efforts eventually resulted in a 50% increase in their sales.

How Did Ideals Go from Being Invisible to Be on The First Page of with Our Strategic Product Optimization? ?

Even though Ideals had a market-competitive and hyped product, it was unable to achieve top rankings on . As a challenge, our experts set out to achieve Ideals’ goal. Through extensive and in-depth keywords research, we identified the customer preferences and thus were able to get their Covid social distance floor decals featured on the First Page. This brought Ideals a fortune of sales increase in a short period.

Learn How Sellers Benefited from Our Profitable Insights.

"Tyler Riddel – VP OF MARKETING"

"Prime Publishing House provides affordable publishing opportunities and a way to become famous to ambitious authors. It is the world's leading frontier for publishers, who benefit from its a wide range of assistance for book publishing maters like exposure, free-publishing, free e-book, and paperback publication. is the biggest platform for authors to promote themselves, who previously could not do so owing to a lack of sponsorship – ALH is the biggest help likewise in this regard "

"Kate Ivey - Prime Publishing House's expertise in creating the best advertising plan and SEO services."

"The SEO services provided by Prime Publishing House gave us insight into the ideal marketing strategy, which is crucial for generating revenue. If you're looking for ways to boost your advertising strategies both during and after you open your store, then they're the people to call for help. They'll make you stand out in front of potential consumers "

"Jeremy Smith - The Prime Publishing House simplifies the ranking system into the easiest stages."

"The SEO services provided by Prime Publishing House gave us insight into the ideal marketing strategy, which is crucial for generating revenue. If you're looking for ways to boost your advertising strategies both during and after you open your store, then they're the people to call for help. They'll make you stand out in front of potential consumers "

How Did Our Product Listing And A+ Content Prove to Be a Game Changer for HuddleCam?

We were hired for product listing and optimization by the owner of this registered video camera store. Our experts advised the client to create an EBC page and run sponsored advertisements at the most suitable times after analyzing the data. As a result, the HuddleCam store observed an 85 percent revenue increase in a matter of a very few months.